Monday, May 26, 2014

New Sheep Handling Equipment

Living Sky Ranch has purchased some new sheep handling equipment.
This is much the same as modern cattle handling equipment except that is it about 1/4 the size.

  • The unit consists of a crowding tub

  •  Anti-backup gate and Alleyway

  • Vertical gate with built in head hold
  • Portable weigh scale 
  • Three way sorter

Here is a link to the manufacturer

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

look what our dogs found!

Yes this is a Rat with a capital R

I added the bic pen to give you a scale to see the size of the beast!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On the Level

Having a farmyard in the river valley has many pros and cons. Its great for photos, but bad for getting around in winter.

A natural slope away from the corrals is a good thing. Too steep of a slope makes it a nightmare to move feed around in winter.

In this video, I am reducing the slope to make feeding in winter easier.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Putting my Thomas Skid Steer to work.

 My fall time skid steer rebuild project gets it first major test.

Its time to clean the barn after the long cold winter.

An area of 30' X 40'  at a depth of 12" took me about an hour and a half to complete the task. It would have been faster if I was loading the manure into a wagon, but I transported it to a spot about 80 meters away and most of the time was consumed by traveling from the barn to the manure pile and then back to the barn.