Friday, February 28, 2014

A set of triplets yesterday

A very non event full set of female triplets yesterday.

Today was a stressful for both me and ewe 16 Z.
A first for me, as I assisted with my first pulling of a lamb.

I was aware that she was in labour around noon, and at 4 pm I decided I must help.
At 4pm I couldn't see the front feet of the lamb , only the nose.

I pushed the head of the lamb back inside the ewe, and fished around until I found the front feet of the lamb. I got a grip on the legs and pulled slow and steady. Soon I could see the head again and within one more minute the lamb was out and moving around on the straw.

What a rush!
Fist pump and high fives!

It was a single male lamb weighing in at 16.2 lbs.

Another black lamb again.


  1. I can just imagine the stress and how relived/excited/glad you were to have it over and a successful birth. Next time it will be less stressful and more enjoyable but hopefully the rest of the births do not require assistance and there is no next time.

  2. It was -35 with a strong wind last night
    -23 in the barn
    putting on the long rubber glove was very cold
